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ClamAV лечим, проверяемся, обновляемся

ClamAV - это антивирусное ядро ​​с открытым исходным кодом для обнаружения троянов, вирусов, вредоносных программ и других вредоносных угроз.


apt-get update
apt-get install clamav


sudo freshclam


clamscan -r --bell -i /media/USER/

В том смыле, что Винда и прочая ерунда обычно "лежит" /media/USER/, но не забываем проверить подключены ли диски.

Возможные ошибки

На проверке sudo freshclam

Для защиты от множественного запуска демона clamd, по умолчанию на лог файл устанавливается блокировка

ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process

Проверим так ли это

sudo lsof /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log

Наблюдаем, что-то вроде

freshclam 914 clamav    3wW  REG    8,6     2814 3949823 /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log

Тогда остновим, обновим, перезапустим:

sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam stop && sudo freshclam && sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam start


Всё развитие в двух файлах: clamd.conf и freshclam.conf, а найти их, как-то так find / -name clamd.conf

И постаянная рубрика - "подём-ка, переведём-ка"

clamscan --help

                   Clam AntiVirus: Scanner 0.102.4
       By The ClamAV Team:
       (C) 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc.

clamscan [options] [file/directory/-]

--help                -h             Show this help
--version             -V             Print version number
--verbose             -v             Be verbose
--archive-verbose     -a             Показывать имена файлов внутри отсканированных архивов
--debug                              Enable libclamav's debug messages
--quiet                              Only output error messages
--stdout                             Write to stdout instead of stderr. Does not affect 'debug' messages.
--no-summary                         Disable summary at end of scanning
--infected            -i             Печать только зараженных файлов
--suppress-ok-results -o             Skip printing OK files
--bell                               Звуковой звонок при обнаружении вирусов

--tempdir=DIRECTORY                  Create temporary files in DIRECTORY
--leave-temps[=yes/no(*)]            Do not remove temporary files
--gen-json[=yes/no(*)]               Generate JSON description of scanned file(s). JSON will be printed and also-
                                     dropped to the temp directory if --leave-temps is enabled.
--database=FILE/DIR   -d FILE/DIR    Load virus database from FILE or load all supported db files from DIR
--official-db-only[=yes/no(*)]       Only load official signatures
--log=FILE            -l FILE        Save scan report to FILE
--recursive[=yes/no(*)]  -r          Scan subdirectories recursively
--allmatch[=yes/no(*)]   -z          Continue scanning within file after finding a match
--cross-fs[=yes(*)/no]               Scan files and directories on other filesystems
--follow-dir-symlinks[=0/1(*)/2]     Follow directory symlinks (0 = never, 1 = direct, 2 = always)
--follow-file-symlinks[=0/1(*)/2]    Follow file symlinks (0 = never, 1 = direct, 2 = always)
--file-list=FILE      -f FILE        Scan files from FILE
--remove[=yes/no(*)]                 Удалите зараженные файлы. Будьте осторожны!
--move=DIRECTORY                     Move infected files into DIRECTORY
--copy=DIRECTORY                     Copy infected files into DIRECTORY
--exclude=REGEX                      Don't scan file names matching REGEX
--exclude-dir=REGEX                  Don't scan directories matching REGEX
--include=REGEX                      Only scan file names matching REGEX
--include-dir=REGEX                  Only scan directories matching REGEX

--bytecode[=yes(*)/no]               Load bytecode from the database
--bytecode-unsigned[=yes/no(*)]      Load unsigned bytecode
--bytecode-timeout=N                 Set bytecode timeout (in milliseconds)
--statistics[=none(*)/bytecode/pcre] Collect and print execution statistics
--detect-pua[=yes/no(*)]             Detect Possibly Unwanted Applications
--exclude-pua=CAT                    Skip PUA sigs of category CAT
--include-pua=CAT                    Load PUA sigs of category CAT
--detect-structured[=yes/no(*)]      Detect structured data (SSN, Credit Card)
--structured-ssn-format=X            SSN format (0=normal,1=stripped,2=both)
--structured-ssn-count=N             Min SSN count to generate a detect
--structured-cc-count=N              Min CC count to generate a detect
--scan-mail[=yes(*)/no]              Scan mail files
--phishing-sigs[=yes(*)/no]          Enable email signature-based phishing detection
--phishing-scan-urls[=yes(*)/no]     Enable URL signature-based phishing detection
--heuristic-alerts[=yes(*)/no]       Heuristic alerts
--heuristic-scan-precedence[=yes/no(*)] Stop scanning as soon as a heuristic match is found
--normalize[=yes(*)/no]              Normalize html, script, and text files. Use normalize=no for yara compatibility
--scan-pe[=yes(*)/no]                Scan PE files
--scan-elf[=yes(*)/no]               Scan ELF files
--scan-ole2[=yes(*)/no]              Scan OLE2 containers
--scan-pdf[=yes(*)/no]               Scan PDF files
--scan-swf[=yes(*)/no]               Scan SWF files
--scan-html[=yes(*)/no]              Scan HTML files
--scan-xmldocs[=yes(*)/no]           Scan xml-based document files
--scan-hwp3[=yes(*)/no]              Scan HWP3 files
--scan-archive[=yes(*)/no]           Scan archive files (supported by libclamav)
--alert-broken[=yes/no(*)]           Alert on broken executable files (PE & ELF)
--alert-encrypted[=yes/no(*)]        Alert on encrypted archives and documents
--alert-encrypted-archive[=yes/no(*)] Alert on encrypted archives
--alert-encrypted-doc[=yes/no(*)]    Alert on encrypted documents
--alert-macros[=yes/no(*)]           Alert on OLE2 files containing VBA macros
--alert-exceeds-max[=yes/no(*)]      Alert on files that exceed max file size, max scan size, or max recursion limit
--alert-phishing-ssl[=yes/no(*)]     Alert on emails containing SSL mismatches in URLs
--alert-phishing-cloak[=yes/no(*)]   Alert on emails containing cloaked URLs
--alert-partition-intersection[=yes/no(*)] Alert on raw DMG image files containing partition intersections
--nocerts                            Disable authenticode certificate chain verification in PE files
--dumpcerts                          Dump authenticode certificate chain in PE files

--max-scantime=#n                    Scan time longer than this will be skipped and assumed clean
--max-filesize=#n                    Files larger than this will be skipped and assumed clean
--max-scansize=#n                    The maximum amount of data to scan for each container file (**)
--max-files=#n                       The maximum number of files to scan for each container file (**)
--max-recursion=#n                   Maximum archive recursion level for container file (**)
--max-dir-recursion=#n               Maximum directory recursion level
--max-embeddedpe=#n                  Maximum size file to check for embedded PE
--max-htmlnormalize=#n               Maximum size of HTML file to normalize
--max-htmlnotags=#n                  Maximum size of normalized HTML file to scan
--max-scriptnormalize=#n             Maximum size of script file to normalize
--max-ziptypercg=#n                  Maximum size zip to type reanalyze
--max-partitions=#n                  Maximum number of partitions in disk image to be scanned
--max-iconspe=#n                     Maximum number of icons in PE file to be scanned
--max-rechwp3=#n                     Maximum recursive calls to HWP3 parsing function
--pcre-match-limit=#n                Maximum calls to the PCRE match function.
--pcre-recmatch-limit=#n             Maximum recursive calls to the PCRE match function.
--pcre-max-filesize=#n               Maximum size file to perform PCRE subsig matching.
--disable-cache                      Disable caching and cache checks for hash sums of scanned files.